Sisters in Crime Writers Blog Hop. What Is Your Writing Process?

Lady bloggers are cross-promoting, so my long-time writer friend Laurie Bain Wilson has nominated me. Laurie is a travel writer; a mystery writer with some Murder She Wrote books to her name, and a baseball guru. Take a look at her kid-lit baseball book, Catcher in the Sky. She's also the daughter of the guy who wrote Coffee, Tea or Me?, although that was a secret for most of her childhood. She talks about that here. Laurie's blogs are Travel Flavors and Big Apple Dipped in Caramel. I'm supposed to share with you my writing process: It hurts. Except when it's a total trip.

I would like to ask two fabulous blogger-friends to join the September blog hop at Sisters in Crime. Julie Mautner, a forever food-and-travel writer who brings a sensible American sense of adventure to life in Provence through The Provence Post, and Kristen Manieri, whose Orlando Date Night Guide gives couples ideas of what to do when they get someone to watch their children for a few hours.

I rarely post things like this, so please don't stop following my blog because of this one piece. Next time: more restaurant or travel news, I promise.

If you're a lady blogger and you'd like to join the hop, take a look at this. I'm sorry I didn't know to read this before I wrote this little blog post.

Eat enthusiastically, and read fun blogs, Rona